Природа Байкала | автор visa simple

Природа Байкала

авторский проект Вячеслава Петухина
автор visa simple

Indefinite Leave to Remain UK is a significant milestone in the immigration journey for individuals residing in the United Kingdom. It is a type of settlement status that grants individuals the right to live and work in the UK without any time restrictions. Also known as permanent residency, ILR provides a sense of security and stability, allowing individuals to establish their lives in the UK for the long term. With Indefinite Leave to Remain, individuals gain access to various benefits, such as healthcare and education, and can enjoy the freedom to travel in and out of the UK. Understanding the process and requirements of obtaining Indefinite Leave to Remain is essential for those looking to make the UK their permanent home.

Учётная запись в настоящий момент заблокирована.

Байкал и Прибайкалье. Природа Байкала. 2007.